
General Information


ScoutBook serves as a central point for pack membership and includes features such as group mailing, forums and the following 2 important items: calendar and progress towards rank tracking.  Please review the following checklist:

  1. Join ScoutBook
    • Contact your den or patrol leader for more information on signing up
  2. Track and record your son’s progress
  3. Check the calendar on ScoutBook for upcoming events.
    • You can import into your calendar app: click ‘Subscribe’ links on this page to get the link to add


      • Fill out the adult application as a first step toward becoming a leader or assistant leader

For All Adults involved in Pack 200 (parents and leaders)

  • Sign into MyScouting for Online Youth Protection Training and other position-specific courses (e.g., den leader, etc.)
  • Training overview launch page (also links to training on above site): Circle 10 Training Information

Leaders are required and all parents are encouraged to take Youth Protection Training.  It’s a free course.  Also recommended for parents who are new to scouting is the ‘This is Scouting’ introductory course.

YPT training must be retaken every 2 years.